Big Soda was caught telling big lies in its recent campaigns against soda taxes. We have updates on the soda tax politics in Boulder, San Francisco, Oakland, and Albany. Cook County (which includes Chicago) may be the next place to take on Coca-Cola and PepsiCo with a tax on sugary drinks. More communities are looking to Berkeley, Philadelphia and Mexico for lessons learned. We’ve summarized the key points in our newest fact sheets. Big Soda filed a “repugnant” lawsuit to stop Philly’s soda tax, putting universal Pre-K at risk. It was “a Big Tobacco moment for the sugar industry” as we learned how it high-jacked the science of what causes heart disease.
Latest soda tax campaign developments
With seven weeks until election day, the campaigns for taxes on sugary drinks are kicking into high gear. Big Soda got caught in some big lies in Boulder, and continued to send deceitful mailers calling Proposition V a “grocery tax”, despite a court finding to the contrary. Cook County Board President is “looking hard” at a new tax on sugary drinks to close a budget gap. Read more.
Big Soda sues Philadelphia over soda tax: Statement from Jim Krieger, Executive Director of Healthy Food America
The American Beverage Association, representing Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and other sugary drink manufacturers have filed yet another unjustified lawsuit to block sensible public policy to protect people from diabetes and other harms caused by their products. Read more.
New report: How the sugar industry high-jacked the science of what causes heart disease
Researchers have unearthed long-buried documents that shed light on how, starting in the 1960s, the sugar industry co-opted nutrition science to shift blame for heart disease away from sugar. Today we are awash in added sugar. Read more.
Latest “sugar papers” report strikes a nerve
The “sugar papers” report received front page coverage from coast to coast and captured headlines around the world. The reaction of many Americans was “sugar shocked”. Read more.
New: Lessons learned from Berkeley, Philadelphia and Mexico
Many communities are looking to emulate Berkeley, Philadelphia and Mexico, three places leading the way with excise taxes on distributors of drinks with added sugar. We’ve posted three new fact sheets with details on the taxes, how they work and how the revenue is used, as well as strategies used for successful campaigns. Read more.
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Yours Truly,
David Goldberg
Healthy Food America