We’ve just launched the Sugar Advocacy Toolkit - our newest resource to help knock sugar back to healthy levels. It includes our latest fact sheets - 1) Why Tax Sugary Drinks and 2) Sugary Drink Warning Labels - which also explain how these policies work. As an invited response to Monday’s USA Today editorial, our executive director made the case for why a tax on sugary drinks is an idea whose time has come. Don’t miss our latest Research Watch which keeps you up to date on the science behind the headlines on sugar. And seeing a picture of kids dressed up as Coke cans to market soda reminded us why it’s time to put the Sugar Advocacy Toolkit to work.
Sugar Advocacy Toolkit
We are delighted to share our Sugar Advocacy Toolkit with you. It covers why now is the time to act on sugar, six key policy approaches, why acting on sugary drinks is critical, other promising policies, and efforts to bring sugar back to healthy levels. It will also show you where to find resources, models to follow and allies with whom you can join forces. Read More.
Sugary drinks are ‘uniquely harmful’
The time has come to tax sugary drinks like we tax tobacco. Because we care about the health of our children and communities, we must fight back with the tools that have proven so effective in reducing tobacco use, such as taxes and hard-hitting public information campaigns. See our executive director Jim Krieger’s op-ed from Monday’s USA Today and weigh in on the poll. Read more.
Taxing Sugary Drinks
Our Sugary Drink Tax fact sheet lays out how communities can raise revenue for important programs like healthier food in schools, initiatives to prevent diabetes and other chronic diseases, education campaigns about sugary drinks and healthy eating, and universal pre-K. Read More.
New in Research Watch: Evaluating Mexico’s junk food tax, subsidies, and "phantom fullness"
Does the latest evidence from Mexico suggest that its national junk food tax is working? Would agricultural subsidy reform reduce obesity and related diseases? Find out in this month's Research Watch.
Dressing kids up as Coke cans to market soda
Are you tired of seeing kids used as marketing props and want to take a stand against products that are harming their health? It’s time to stop letting Big Soda take advantage of the most vulnerable members in our communities. Read more.
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Yours Truly,
David Goldberg
Healthy Food America