Research Watch - Volume 3, Issue 1

In this issue:

  • A modeling study predicts that implementing a beverage warning label would lower obesity in the three cities included in the model-Baltimore, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.
  • In a randomized trial, children were more likely to select a healthy beverage with a personalized label (bottle label featuring their name)
  • A new analysis of NHANES data finds high sugar-sweetened beverage consumption accounted for 7.4% of all deaths from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes
  • A review of the scientific literature, junk food and SSB tax bills and laws, and federal taxing mechanisms concludes implementing federal junk food and SSB taxes are feasible
  • Analysis of NHANES data finds increasing BMI has reduced improvements in mortality rates
  • Analysis of NHANES data on sugar consumption among children finds added sugars (and not naturally occurring sugars), specifically added sugars in liquid form, are associated with weight gain

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