In Diseases Associated with Sugary Drinks
Health disparities are differences in rates of disease across racial, ethnic, income, and other social groups. They are a result of obstacles to health including systemic racism, poverty, and lack of access to healthy food, stable housing, employment, and healthcare.
- Chronic diseases associated with sugary drink consumption (including diabetes and heart disease) disproportionately affect people of color.
- While one in six Black/African American adults have diabetes, only one in ten White adults do.
- Hispanic/Latinx adults with diagnosed diabetes have nearly three times the rate of uncontrolled diabetes compared to White adults.
- Black/African American children have experienced the greatest increase in incidence of type 2 diabetes between 2003-2015 and their rate is now eight times greater than that among White children.
- High blood pressure and deaths from heart disease are more common among Blacks/African Americans than among Whites.