Phony fruit drinks

Just because it’s orange doesn’t mean it’s juice. Have you ever looked at the ingredients for Sunny D? Or Capri Sun? Yep, just as much added sugar as soda.

And yet these fruit-flavored drinks – often masquerading as “juice” with health benefits – are a leading source of added sugars in the diets of young kids.  They are also the most common sugary drink of early childhood, with parents are six times more likely to rate things like Sunny D and Capri Sun as healthy compared with soda.  Just like soda though, fruit-flavored drinks increase the risk for obesity, diabetes, and dental decay.  You can find these and other unsettling features of fruity drinks in our new fact sheet.

FruitdrinksGraphic.jpgConsidering the health disparities in our country, it’s especially problematic that black and low-income kids are more likely to consume fruit-flavored drinks than white or higher income kids. 

Do you want to bring sugar consumption back down to healthy levels? Help us spread the word that fruit-flavored drinks are sugar-delivery vehicles with little to no fruit or health benefits and share these facts with parents. 

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Parents are misled thinking fruit-flavored drinks are healthy 4 kids. Help change that! #PhonyFruitDrinks @HealthyFA


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