Policy Profile: Albany, CA Sugary Drink Tax

What worked in Albany

Each community has unique characteristics that influence campaign strategy and messages. Here are some lessons and recommendations learned from Albany:

  • Focus on local priorities and youth.
  • Maintain drumbeat of local messages: facts about health consequences of sugary drinks, youth health, cost to all tax payers of diabetes, equity, success of 2014 Berkeley campaign.
  • Inform voters through community events and canvass entire city (possible in small cities).
  • Use social and earned media to raise voter awareness.
  • Collaborate with medical professionals, parents, schools, and other stakeholders.
  • Create a campaign logo and remind people of the issue through lawn signs and business signs.
  • Start fundraising early—at least 5 months in advance.
  • Reach out and educate local business early on. Prepare them for what to expect.
  • Build a diverse coalition of local leaders that are invested in this issue.


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